Pool Toys To Help Your Kids Learn

Pool Toys To Help Your Kids Learn

Posted 2015-10-13 by dan.pfollow
Australia has the highest number of backyard pools per capita in the world, which is hardly surprising given our summers. Pools are brilliant; there’s no better way to spend an achingly hot summer’s day than lounging about in the pool. It isn’t just mum and dad who love pools though, kids are just as enamoured with them.

What do you need to make a day in the pool as much fun for the kids as possible? Here are a few accessories that can make the perfect outdoor activity even more entertaining.

Fun Pool Games

Water Pistols:
Some think they encourage violence, but I played with water pistols as a kid and as far as I’m aware I haven’t shot anyone to date. Water pistols are great fun, so don’t let the sooks try to take a good time away from your kids. There are enough styles and types of water pistols out there that any number of kids can get together and give each other a drenching; each with their own unique weapon! Combining water balloons into the fray can lead to a seriously impressive arsenal. Just be sure to keep well out of firing range while the kids run wild.

Pool Noodles:
You wouldn’t think such a basic thing could be such a great pool toy would you? Foam pool noodles have been around forever, and they’ve been fun forever as well. You can use them to float, you can use them to give someone a good whack, and anything else your imagination can come up with. Chuck a few noodles into the pool area and see what the kids do with them.

Diving Toys:
These things make for a fun, competitive game. Simply throw them into the water and encourage kids to see who can collect the most. There may be some tears from the loser, but that’s just part of growing up.

Learn to Swim

Pools are great fun, but they’re also great learning tools. It’s best for any parent to take their child to swimming lessons to get familiar in the water and learn the skills in the most effective way possible from professionals. But that’s not to say you can’t do a bit of extra tutelage at home. Here are a few accessories perfect for helping your kids learn the finer points of swimming and pool safety.

Inflatable swim vests:
If your kid is ready to start swimming, traditional arm floaties can be too restrictive to learn the correct technique. The inflatable life vest is a good alternative, especially if the particular model has separate air chambers. Not only will more than one air chamber help to minimise the danger from a leak, but the different compartments can be variably deflated or inflated to provide more or less support depending on the skill of the child in question.

Kick Boards:
These are a classic instructional pool toy, found in swimming classes the world over for years. Kick Boards are important because they teach children a fundamental swimming lesson: that the legs are the body’s engine while the arms are the steering wheel. Kick Boards force kids to develop a proper kick technique by making them rely on their legs rather than their arms for momentum.

Inflatable Ring Suits:
These are perfect for very young swimmers. Since the ring is incorporated into the vest itself, it removes the risk of the child falling through the ring, easing the burden of supervision on parents. These suits are also good for first teaching kids how to kick. However they will quickly become restrictive for more skilled or older children.

Diving Toys:
We mentioned this before in the fun and games section, but we’re going to talk about it again here. Diving toys are the perfect way to encourage children to become more confident underwater without even seeming like work. Games are the best way to teach skills, and Diving toys are perfect for just that.

While goggles aren’t exactly a piece of safety equipment in their own right, they can make the entire process that much easier for all involved. Swimming pools are necessarily full of all sorts of chemicals which can be harsh on anyone’s eyes, but for kids the discomfort can be enough to put them off going in the water entirely. Goggles eliminate this difficulty while also adding another dimension of underwater vision to their repertoire. Goggles just make the pool more fun, which is essential for motivating kids to learn to swim.

The pool isn’t just a place to escape the heat, although it’s great for that as well! Pools are a great way to get exercise, have fun, and learn new skills. So many Australians own pools that there is a veritable goldmine of products out there to cater to every whim and need. Whether you need to teach your kids the finer points of their swimming skills or just want to provide a few things for them to have a good time with in the water; your every want is provided for. So get out there, see what’s available and make summertime in the pool even more enjoyable.

This article was written for you by Home and Outdoor Products for all pool toys and toys. visit us


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