Paying Children Pocket Money
Helping with the washing
Earning and managing money is an important skill for children to learn. It can give kids a feeling of independence to buy things they want with their own money.
But should you pay your kids pocket money?
My children have all helped with chores around the house since the age of 3. At this age kids love to help! Little jobs like cleaning the sink, setting the table or pulling the covers up on their bed can make them feel important by helping.
Toddlers love to help
But as children grow older and they are given more household responsibilities the question may come up. Should they be paid to do these jobs? Not in my house.
My kids are aged 8, 12 and 15 so the jobs they do vary with age. Some of the chores they do every day include keeping their bedrooms tidy, making their beds, unloading the dishwasher, setting the table and putting away any school work.
They also have occasional jobs to do like feeding the animals, hanging out the washing, taking out rubbish and sweeping the floor. But most of the time my husband and I do these things.
My children have never earned pocket money or been paid for chores. My concern was that money should not be tied to something they have to do as part of a household. By doing jobs they are helping our house run efficiently. Cleaning up after yourself is a part of everyday life and learning how to maintain a tidy home is an important life skill.
But this doesn't mean my children don't have their own spending money . My eldest has had babysitting jobs and the12 yr does a regular paper route. They also have options for sporadic paid work like earning $5 for washing the car or some gardening.
Photo: Tanako, Wikimedia Commons
Do you pay your children pocket money? If so, do they do chores in exchange for payment and does this work well for your family?
236499 - 2023-07-18 00:40:08