How To Survive A Plane Journey With Young Kids

How To Survive A Plane Journey With Young Kids

Posted 2013-10-02 by Jane Streetfollow

Plane journeys with young children can be a daunting prospect. Here are a few starter tips on how to survive the journey. Please share your ideas and experiences in the comments forum.

  • Let your child bring their own small flight bag which they can carry or wheel. Let them choose what they want to bring in and pack it themselves. Examples might be some soft toys, notebook and crayons, snacks etc.

  • Let kids choose what they want to bring in their flight bag

  • Activity and sticker books are a great way to pass time quietly and can be quickly packed away.

  • If you have an iPad, this can be a great way to pass lots of time! Click here for some great iPad Apps ideas.
  • For older kids, a click lock box of cheap beads and some elastic can be fun to make necklaces and bracelets.
  • Bring a click lock box of play dough and some plastic animals. Play the Animal Footprint game .
  • Create an airplane magazine scavenger hunt using the inflight magazine, a sick bag and some pens.

  • Babies and toddlers
  • Bring a change of clothes for baby (and for you if you've got space) in case of accidents.
  • Bring a carrier to travel through the airport and on to the plane with your hands free. I love the Ergobaby carrier as you can carry babies on your front or even big toddlers on your back and it rolls up easily into a flight bag.

  • A carrier is great to get through the airport

  • Don't forget plenty of snacks. Mini long life milk cartons with straws can be really handy for toddlers.

  • On overnight flights, consider bringing a sleeping bag and favourite toy to cuddle.

  • A sleeping bag can be handy for overnight journeys

  • For long flights consider bringing some infant pain relief in case needed. For older kids, you could bring a lollipop to suck to help equalise pressure in sore ears when landing (or at least distract them if they are in pain).

  • For toddlers, buy a few dollar shop toys, such as $1 plastic camera, binoculars, magnifying glass, slinky spring, magnetic doodle pad. Wrap the toys up individually as presents and give them spaced out throughout the journey. Unwrapping the toys is a fun extra activity.

  • Good luck and bon voyage!

    Please share your experiences and ideas.


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