Breastfeeding After Breast Augmentation Explained
The procedure of the breast augmentation is done under the total anesthetics. Once the patient is under the influence of anesthetics the doctor makes the incision underneath the breast, along the fold. Taking a lot of factors in consideration, the implant is placed in front of, or behind the muscle tissue. The incision gets closed and bandaged. That is what happens during the breast augmentation procedure and a very logical questions about breast feeding impose themselves. Here are some of the answers that every mother who had undergone the surgery wanted to ask.
How Much Time Should Pass Between the Breast Surgery and Breastfeeding?
The more time passes between your surgery and the breastfeeding the better. If your wounds are healed and you have the sensation in your nipples, you are able to breastfeed. More precisely, you are as capable of breastfeeding as you were before the surgery.
Will There Be Enough Milk?
This depends on many factors. The first important thing is the ability of the breasts to produce milk before the surgery. The fact that a woman has smaller breasts doesn’t mean that she will have low milk production.
Breasts that have tubular shape , those that are more than 1.5 inch apart and those that are asymmetrical have more chance of not being capable of producing enough milk. Another factor is the type of surgery. In order to hide the scaring, doctors make the incision underneath the breast or around the areola. The incision around the areola may lead to lower milk production. Cutting the nerves and the tissue may lead to less sensitive areolas which then fail to stimulate the breast production. Also, an implant that is placed under the muscle tissue will less probably make issues with the milk production than the one that is placed directly under the gland. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that any sort of breast surgery may lead to reduced milk production, but it is not necessary to happen.
Is Silicone Safe for the Baby?
There have been some speculations about the presence of the silicone in the mother’s milk after the breast augmentation surgery. These notions come because of two things: the first is the fact that all the chemicals, vitamins, good and bad nutrients and toxins that are present in the mother’s body are usually present in her milk, as well. Relating to that, and knowing that silicone can be found in the form of micro granules, some people expressed worries. However, medical research showed that the levels of silicone in the milk of the mothers that have implants aren't higher than those in the milk of the mothers who don't have them.
Will the Breasts Change Their Shape After Breastfeeding?
Pregnancy itself causes the breasts to grow in size and reduce after breastfeeding. The skin and the muscles get stretched and they don’t always go back to their previous place. This doesn’t happen with all women and a great number of those that breastfeed claim that it didn’t change the shape of the breasts. For those that feel it changed their breasts, there is always the
option of a breast lift . This type of surgical intervention lifts the breasts and takes care of the skin excess.
The chances are that your breastfeeding will not be seriously affected by your breast implants, regardless of the fact if they are
saline or silicone . If you are planning on breastfeeding in the future, make sure that you mention that to your doctor before the surgery, as they will take that into account when planning the incisions and the position of the implant. With that in mind, you will be able to breastfeed just like you were before the surgery and enjoy your motherhood in full.
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