Babyweights Work out With Your Baby
Many mums are looking to lose a few pounds after having a baby, but joining a gym or going to an exercise class just isn't always feasible as it can be tricky to sometimes get out of the house. However, now there is a fantastic alternative; one that will boost your fitness, help you lose weight and all whilst bonding with your baby. Let me introduce you to
Babyweights , an at home fitness program that provides you with the perfect way to look after your own wellbeing and have some fun with your baby too.
48 two sides cards with great instructions
What is Babyweights?
Babyweights is a handy deck of 48 colourful exercise flash cards that visually demonstrate how you can complete different workout moves, whilst keeping your baby with you. The Babyweights cards provide you with expertly created exercises where you can concentrate on getting yourself back in shape, with only your little baby as your audience. This is a full body workout, with cards covering your upper body, middle body, lower body in addition to vital stretching. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced athlete, these cards offer something for every new mum wanting to work out with their baby in tow.
The shoulder press
Why Use Babyweights?
One of the biggest benefits of using Babyweights is the convenience factor. By using this at home exercise program, you can get fit in your lounge with no need for baby sitters. At a cost of
$29.95 this is approximately the same cost as two group fitness sessions, but after this one initial outlay, the pack is yours to keep and you can do the session as many times as you like.
My Experience
The Ab Curl with my little smiley helper
I wish I had known about Babyweights when I had my first child, as I didn't feel comfortable putting my baby in a creche to join a fitness class when he was so small, but I still wanted to lose my baby weight. Instead, I would wait until I had a baby sitter, or until my husband got home, and so my own fitness was very rarely prioritised. This is a perfect fitness program that is also a lot of fun as your baby watches you and takes part with you, even giving you encouraging little smiles along the way.
The deck of 48 cards provide you with great opporutunities for a varied exercise routine that you won't get bored of. More than that, after a number of repetitions of an exercise, you can actually feel the exercise working, so it's a routine that you actually want to repeat so that you can get the results.
Handy little box for when youre on the go
It's cost effective and something that you can enjoy with your child as a standalone fitness routine or to complement your existing exercise regime. Once your baby is too old or too heavy to take part the exercises can still be carried out on their own. These were developed with busy mums in mind and for anyone who is time poor there's now no excuse for not finding time to exercise as you can simply do it whilst you're playing with your child.
I would recommend Babyweights to any parent with small kids who want to increase their fitness and wellbeing. Whether you're already fit, or whether you're a complete novice to exercise, this product caters to the masses.
Note: If you are embarking on an exercise routine after child birth, check with your doctor or OBGYN to ensure that you are safe to do so; this may differ dependent on the type of delivery you have had.
To find out more about this great workout program or to purchase your pack of cards, go to
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